
Member of ESWET

Raising awareness of the benefits
of waste-to-energy

European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology

B&W Renewable is a full member and proud supporter of the European Suppliers Waste-to-Energy Technology (ESWET) association. The purpose of ESWET is to raise awareness of the positive implications of Waste-to-Energy in terms of sustainable waste management, clean and reliable energy, and protection of the environment.

Technology from ESWET members is the heart of most Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plants in Europe and worldwide, allowing energy and material recovery from non-recyclable waste which would otherwise be landfilled!

B&W shares the goals of ESWET by promoting WTE as a viable, necessary, important and responsible part of a circular economy and the energy transition to reduce global greenhouse gases. In fact, methane, like that emitted from landfills, has 84 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. By cleanly converting the energy in non-recyclable waste, we can close the loop on our world’s economy.

ESWET has prepared a wide range of documents, fact sheets, videos and position papers where you can learn more about the potential of waste-to-energy.

Waste-to-Energy Information

These documents are available from our website. 

Or, visit the documents page on the ESWET website for more information.

Integrated Resource-Recovery Facility Report

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Vision 2050

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WTE Fact Sheet

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WTE Handbook

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European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology - Beauty in the Beast logo

ESWET has also developed a video series called The Beauty in the Beast where five unique stories reveal the hidden beauties of WTE technology and its impact on Europe.